Minecraft APK Old Versions

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Download exclusive Minecraft APK old versions

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Minecraft APK V1.20.0.02

This version offers significant changes to blocks, new mobs, biomes, building blocks, and entities. Fixes calibrated sculk sensors.

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This update gives us new mobs like Sniffer extremely useful and can be found in chests in the form of eggs they are known for the ability to search ancient seeds. Camel is known for unique abilities as 2 players can easily ride the camel it has the ability to step up 1.5 BLOCK-WALL high and no mobs like zombies husks can harm the riders. You can find them in desert villages.

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Items, Patterns

New Items like Pitcher plants are dug up by sniffer the new mob grows up two-block tall plant. Which is a unique and decorative item. The torch flower is a unique type of plant that can be crafted from the torch flower seed. It serves as a decorative element and can be planted in farmland and pots.

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One of the most important parts of Minecraft is block Bamboo material. Bamboo blocks can be used to make fences, signs, and trap doors there are some other new things like, a chiseled bookshelf, and hanging sign.

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Minecraft APK V1.19.20

This version got big updates like Deep dark biome and Warden

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Mobs: Warden is a hostile mob residing in deep dark biome. Warden is different from other mobs as warden is blind and relies on detecting vibrations and sounds to locate players. Warden got 500 health (250) hearts. Can attack with the damage of 31 points (15.5) hearts. Warden can sense movements such as walking breaking blocks. There is another mob introduced Frog

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New biomes: Deep dark biome was introduced in this version. This biome generates a deep underground beneath areas such as mountain peaks and plateaus. This biome has only natural light resources with sculk catalysts and lava. This biome can generate ancient cities

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New Blocks: This version introduces several unique blocks. Here’s an overview of these blocks
Sculk a dark blue block with glowing dots Sculk Vein These are thin blocks alongside sculk blocks Sculk Sensors detect vibrations in their region such as player movements Sculk Shrieker These blocks emit a shrieking sound when they detect vibrations, potentially spawning warden after multiple activations.

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Minecraft APK V1.18.32.02

This version got a major update in Minecraft it is the second caves and cliff update.

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With caves now extending deeper, mob spawn heights have shifted. Amethyst geodes only generate below Y=30, while underwater creatures like cod, salmon, and dolphins now spawn between Y=50 and Y=64.

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Bug Fixes and Stability Improvements

This version focused on improving the game’s stability by addressing crash issues that could occur during gameplay. The update also resolved performance problems that affected players on mobile and console platforms.

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Deep slate, Dripstone, Amethyst blocks, and Sculk Sensors were part of this major overhaul in terrain and cave design.

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Minecraft APK V1.16.01

This version got significant changes. Focusing on nether dimension. Some of the key features.

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Piglins and Hoglins were the new mobs that were introduced. Hoglins are hostile and roam the new biomes, but piglins are neutral animals that you can trade with if you have gold armor.
Players can navigate lava lakes by taming the Strider, another new creature that can be found in lava.​

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New Biomes

This update included several new Nether biomes, Soul Sand Valley, Basalt Deltas, Distorted Forest, and Crimson Forest. Every biome offers different habitats with particular terrain and weather patterns.

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Netherite was the strongest character when the game first launched, outperforming Diamond in both armor and tools. Players must search the Nether for ancient detritus, process it into Netherite scraps, then mix it with gold to produce Netherite.